Statement of Trauma informed Practice
The purpose of this page is to set out how I work in a trauma informed way
Trauma is defined as an event/s in which there has been a threat/s (physical/emotional/mental/spiritual etc) to an individual where a person’s coping strategies have been overwhelmed and there has impact on the individual
My practice, as trauma informed;
Recognises trauma has an impact on individuals which can be varied and wide ranging, there is no one size fits all.
Will help, support and guide individuals on their path to recovery in whichever way suits them as an individual.
Will recognise and provide support with the signs and symptoms of trauma however they manifest for that individual.
Will utilise and integrate my knowledge about trauma into how I work at every level.
Provides an environment of safety.
Is transparent.
Is always conducted in collaboration with the individual and tailored to individual need – the client is autonomous and I full respect this.
Recognises the cultural, historical, gender etc. issues that may be connected to the trauma.
Is informed by physiological information about the effect of trauma on the body.
Is based on theories around trauma work and stabilisation.
Recognises the duel burden some clients may experience of trauma and discrimination.
Throughout my work I will;
Constantly look to ensure my knowledge and work is up to date.
Evaluate my work and, if at any point, I feel I am not capable will refer on to an appropriate individual.
Please do get in touch with any questions